Institutional Cooperation
of UCT Prague + UiT Tromso
Establishing of Institutional Cooperation between UiT The Arctic University of Norway and University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague in education in the field of food quality and biotechnology



Mobility of young scientists / postdocs from UCT Prague to UiT Tromso
01/09/2015 - 31/12/2015

Two young scientists / postdocs will travel to Tromso for 2 weeks in the period between September and December 2015. The researchers will participate in the intensive course Bio-8009 Bioprospecting and bioactive health components. The students will gain the knowledge about (i) the marine resources as animals, bacteria, microalgae, plants etc. for use in bioprospecting, (ii) suitability and application of different methods for use in research related to bioprospecting, (iii) bioavailability, bioactivity and toxicity testing. After absolving this course, students will be able to define the current problem to plan and perform research and development within bioprospecting, and execute research and professional work in a high international level. Their general competence will be the deal with complex multidisciplinary work tasks and projects within bioprospecting, communication of research and developmental work within bioprospecting through national and international channels, and evaluation of the needs for sustainable innovation in the field of bioprospecting and its benefits for food and pharmaceutical industry.


Support of educational cooperation - preparation of webinars, development of new teaching tools and methods
01/09/2015 - 31/08/2016

Within the project, at least two webinars for Ph.D. students and research scientists will be prepared. The main focus of UiT Tromso will be on bioprospection and biotechnologies; the main focus of UCT Prague will be on biochemistry, microbiology, and advanced mass spectrometric methods for analysis of biological matrices. New educational materials will be prepared. An important part of the project is implementation of new type of interactive teaching the students, when in the class, the interactive "voting devices" are used. This approach allows the interactive demonstration of general principles, as well as the troubleshooting. The case studies on different topics (from the field of analytical chemistry, biology / microbiology, biochemistry, genomics, biotechnologies and bioprospection) with various conceivable scenarios will be introduced and trained. The students will identify the most suitable solution using an anonymous electronic voting system, followed by an interactive discussion about each presented option. In the end of the seminar, groups of participants will compete against each other by proposing optimal solutions for particular problems. This completely new approach how to take the attention of students, gain their immediate feedback and interactively adjust the lesson "fit to the audience" will bring the benefits reflecting in the increased knowledge and high education level.


Attendance of the conference / interactive workshop held in Prague
22/10/2015 - 30/11/2015

2 professors / postdocs from UiT Tromso will go to Prague for 5 days in October - November 2015. To attend the 7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA 2015, RAFA 2015 will provide the Norwegian partners an overview of the state-of-the-art on analytical & bioanalytical strategies for analysis of food and biological matrices, and introduce the challenges for novel approaches in this field. Between the main topics referring to the focus of the UiT Tromso belong the metabolomic, foodomic, food forensic, bioactivity testing, mycotoxin, marine and plant toxins analysis, and many other topics presented within oral presentations, satellite workshops, and interactive seminars. The key item of the program is the "Interactive seminar" focused on analysis of biologically active compounds, exploiting the "voting devices", enabling direct involvement of the listeners into the presented problematic (listeners interactively vote for the option offered by the lecturer within the presentation). This allows the interactive demonstration of general analytical approaches to fast development and troubleshooting of analytical methods. Several case studies with various conceivable scenarios for each step within the method development (including both sample preparation and instrumental analysis) and/or for each troubleshooting problem will be introduced and trained. Each time, the attendees will identify the most suitable solution using an anonymous electronic voting system, followed by an interactive discussion about each presented option.


Attendance of the interactive workshop held in Norway
01/01/2016 - 30/07/2016

Two professors / postdocs from UCT Prague will go to Norway (UiT Tromso) for 5 days in the period between January and July 2016 for the purpose to attend the common workshop organized by the UiT Tromso. The seminar will be organized for the Ph.D. students and young scientists at UiT Tromso. The workshop will be both "educational", but also "cross-connecting in science", with the aim to create new research groups and establish the new topics for the follow up research. This will significantly contribute to the sustainability of institutional cooperation after the finishing of the project.


Mobility of young scientists / postdocs from UiT Tromso to UCT Prague
01/03/2016 - 30/06/2016

Two young scientists for 2 weeks in the period between March and June 2016. Following intensive courses will be offered by UCT Prague: Advanced Biochemistry (1), Molecular-biological methods for identification of food pathogens (2), and Advanced mass spectrometric analysis of biotic matrices (3). The introductory teaching will be given partly as theoretical course combined by an intensive laboratory part in UCT Prague.
The syllabus of (1): Chromatography of biomacromolecules, purification processes; Electrophoresis of proteins; Enzyme kinetics; Identification of proteins by MALDI-MS; Immunochemical techniques; Basic molecular biology techniques; Isolation subcellular particles; Study basic metabolic processes; Catalytic activities of enzymes; People will be able to isolate proteins from different sources, characterize enzymatic activity, identify proteins by mass spectrometry, and isolate and characterize plasmid DNA by restriction analysis.
The syllabus of (2): Preparation of different cultivation media under sterile conditions; Sampling of food and their treatment before cultivation; Methods used for qualitative and quantitative determination; Confirmation biochemical and serological tests; Modern methods for the identification of microorganisms based on PCR; Immunochemical techniques. People will be able to work under aseptic conditions, isolate different food borne pathogens from samples of food and raw materials, characterize of isolated microorganisms using classical cultivation, biochemical, and molecular biology.
The syllabus of (3): Ultra performance liquid chromatography, two dimensional gas chromatography, high resolution mass spectrometry, target analysis, non target screening, identification of new compounds, confirmation by the mass fragmentation, Metabolomic fingerprinting / profiling. People will be able to understand the principles of advanced analytical techniques and apply them in the biotechnology / food / pharmaceutical sciences.


Shadowing teachers; observation in classes in UiT Tromso
01/03/2016 - 30/06/2016

3 professors will go for one week to UiT Tromso in the period between March and June 2016. Professors from UCT Prague attending the Norwegian UiT will gain new experience leading to strengthening and the development of the subjects being taught at the UCT Prague. New elements adopted from the lessons taught at the partner university will be implemented. At the same time, new opportunities for collaboration will originate during the stay - new researches teams enriching both CZ and NO side in the field of food and biotechnology sciences will be built. The UCT Prague will primarily focus on the know-how regarding the bioprospection, biotechnology, and toxicity testing, and UiT Tromso will receive new skills and practical knowledge in transfer in advanced methods for analysis of biological matrices and identification of new biologically active compounds.


Shadowing teachers; observation in classes in UCT Prague
01/03/2016 - 30/06/2016

3 professors for one week in the period between March and June 2016. Professors from UiT Tromso attending the UCT Prague will obtain new experience regarding the intensive practical (laboratory) courses as being taught in UCT Prague. New ways of teaching will be then adopted and implemented at UiT Tromso. At UCT Prague, main stress in put on the development of practical knowledge, when students are forced to think and work very independently and self-contentedly. The teaching is very interactive both in the field of biochemistry and microbiology, and in the field of advanced mass spectrometric methods.