UiT The Arctic University of Norway is located in Northern Norway and has about 12000 students, 10 % of them international. The Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics (BFE) comprises of three institutes and provides education in key research areas including aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, climate, life in the arctic, marine bioprospecting / biodiscovery, fish health and marine food science. The Faculty consists of Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, Norwegian College of Fishery Science (NFH) and School of Business and Economics. The Faculty employs 350 scientific and administrative staff and has about 1200 MSc and BSc students and 100 PhD students. The main task of BFE is to conduct teaching and research dissemination at a high national and international level within all relevant fields. Prioritized research areas are aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, climate, life in the arctic, marine bioprospecting, fish health, seafood products, business and macroeconomics. Research facilities include modern and well-equipped laboratories, research vessels and an aquaculture research station. The faculty is coordinator/partner in several EU and large national projects, particularly in areas embracing the Arctic environment. The NFH undertakes research and research-based teaching of high national / international quality in an interdisciplinary environment.
Dr. Klara Stensvåg is professor in Marine Biotechnology form The UiT The Arctic
University of Norway, Tromsø. She took her PhD in 1998. Her main research focus
is use of different marine bioresources and she has been working on fish immunology
and defense molecules in marine invertebrates. The main activity in ongoing projects
is marine bioprospecting and drug discovery with a particularly focus of antimicrobial
compounds and bioactive peptides. She has been a member of a national scientific
board in biotechnology and teach in Marine Biotechnology.
Professor Ragnar L. Olsen has a PhD in Biochemistry and was appointed professor
in marine biochemistry at the Norwegian College of Fishery Science, UiT The Arctic
University of Tromsø in 1991. He has also been working at The Norwegian Institute
of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, an applied research institute in Tromsø,
Norway. Main areas of research for about 30 years have been seafood quality and
utilization of by-products from processing of fish and shellfish. Some of this work
has been carried out in cooperation with industry. Altogether, he has published
more than 100 scientific publications and supervised almost 80 master and PhD students.